One day in Florence Monday


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Florence and Tuscany Tours

One day in Florence Monday - Florence and Tuscany Tours -
€ 61

One day in Florence on a Monday, get the most from your stay

Tour Code: Tour 10 + 11A


One day to spend in Florence? Do you only have a Monday to discover this fascinating city? Don’t worry, we can organize a perfect experience, you will unveil the authentic soul of Florence and its legends in just one day. [Even if the city’s most renowned museums are closed]
We will start with Florence highlights, such as the Duomo (and its Dome made by Brunelleschi!) and Piazza Signoria, you will visit a Florentine Renaissance home and the collection of a British art historian in the palace once owned by Herbert Percy Horne.

Admire Santa Croce, the stunning square and the church where some of the most famous Italians are buried: Michelangelo and Galileo to name but two. On Monday mornings this area is really romantic and charming.

In the afternoon the guided tour will continue with Palazzo Vecchio, for more than seven centuries the symbol of the political life and power in Florence. Enjoy the Salone dei Cinquecento (also known as Hall of the 500) designed by Giorgio Vasari for the Grand Duke Cosimo I, the rooms dedicated to the Medici Pope Leo X and follow the steps (and the masterpieces) by Michelangelo, Donatello and Verrocchio.

Reserve a table for a dinner by candlelight and prepare to leave the enticing Renaissance Capital with a renewed passion for it… we are sure you will come back soon!

Florence and Tuscany Tours: see more, do more, make it yours.



Summer Season from April 1st to October 31st 2020

Winter Season from November 1st 2017 to March 31st 2018


at 10 am for the Monday AM, at 3:30 pm for the Palazzo Vecchio


Monday AM aprox. 3 hours
Palazzo Vecchio approx. 1,5 hours
(free time from 1 pm to 3:15 pm)


€ 61. € 56 for those 6-14 if in company of an adult participant. Free for children under 3 years old


Scheduled entry, no need to queue

Choose the language of the tour, time and participants


By reservation only (tour will take place rain or shine and from 4 participant onwards)

PRICE INCLUDES: guided tour, pre-booking and entrance fee, earphones for groups with more than 15 participants, Florence and Tuscany Tours’ staff assistance at the meeting point.


- for the Monday AM: in front of the Hard Rock Cafe, via Brunelleschi 1, just off della Repubblica, 15 minutes before the start of the tour.

- for the Palazzo Vecchio: Piazza della Signoria,  behind the Neptune Fountain, 15 minutes before the start of the tour.
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